Forfatter Emne: Happy new year, u prrrRRRrrr(o )( o)sssSSSsss ;) Do, not, open until midsummer!  (Læst 8341 gange)

0 Medlemmer og 1 Gæst læser dette emne.


  • Gæst <--- listen 2 sum muzak while you read up, robotic arms... 🙂 ...can make fortunes, buuuuuuuuuuut... etc, they just dun't, everybody knows because I tell all, so if you didn't know? Well.. 🙂 ...crazy town, I'm sure you know 🙂

Regler för arbetskraftsinvandring skärps: Krav på anställningsavtal för uppehållstillstånd | SVT Nyheter <--- this, is all about u and u gettin' Th'aaahhh ver(y ) best of contracts, very important to document everything! Properl(y )! And distributing ALL punishments! While I smoke mary jane. 🙂

Domina Think Tank! 🙂 (Lucy Liu is smarter than a fish in a ball, I... w(o )( o)n'daaahhh, hein, I dated, dudn't I, Domina Think Tank, r u FAT...etc 😉 ) 🙂

Domina Think Tank, merr(y ) christmas! (it's 2022... ;), this, (y )'eeeaaarrrRRRrrr ?!? 🙂 Ur anus, good to knj(o )( o)wwwWWWwww wear, IT, at, astronomical knowledge, buu ab(o )( o)(u)t'aaahhh, Ur Anus! 🙂 ) 🙂

"Enklare tillsyn av en bostad, exempelvis ta in post, vattna blommor, spola kranar och toaletter." 😉  <--- Bee THE braindead, lowlife pervert cunt u r, and AND and, STRAP-ON is prostate check-up, I kick any cunt automationwise, get me? I'm bitch on top of bitch HATING non-smoking bitch, on top of that. 😉

(y )'eaaahhh, it's me all right, Domina Think Tank n' all 😉 I'm fuck arse laz(y ), n' rude about it, on top of that :)

Ps. This is a tax deductable misummer nights dream, n' it's puke b(y ) th'aaahhh wa(y ), d(o )( o)(i)n'aaahhh, thaaahhh English... ;) "lit", st(y )le francais! I need a fuckin' ashtra(y ) ;) It'll be tax deductable... ;) c, see, sea... The Domina <--- t(o )( o)p <--- legal tax deductable crew <--- Domina Think Tank d(o )( o)(i)n' legal w(o )( o)rk, thinkin', butt, about, IT... ;) <--- make'm, wetter'n wet... ;) hornier than h(o )( o)rrrRRRrrr n' (y ) ;) ds.


  • Gæst
rrrRRRrrrö(v)hål... ;) jag, runkarn, é rik klapp ton ;)

det behöver städas här, dekoreras, byggas om, trägårn... E rik Klapp ton, d  v s, asrik, latare än lat, ohövligare än skit. runkar ;)

Allt, på riktigt ;)

Go Jul o ett Gott Nytt Års part(y ) 2022 ;) var dá! På riktigt ;)

Ps... ;) <--- skratt :) <--- kjaerrrRRRrrr-ligg-het ;) <---sex ;)

rövskit, jag r proffs, jag städar fan änte, ohövligare än skit ;)
